If you’re like us, you feel guilty about the stack of unread Caravans and Motherlands piling up on your coffee table. There’s no time during the work cycle to savour serious longform, or handle beautifully designed, matte paper tomes on food, fashion, or film. This is why we suggest taking your magazine reading on holiday instead. (Or even looking for it while on holiday – some of our favourite magazines are only available in far-flung locations.) This week’s favourite: London-based Little White Lies.

It’s no understatement to say that this is the most gorgeous movie mag in the business. Each cover is decorated with an original illustration, and so are the features inside. In addition to interviews and reviews (helpfully ranked for Anticipation, Enjoyment, and In Retrospect) you might find a mini-graphic novel about Richard Linklater, or the story of how Werner Herzog once hypnotized his cast – and kept the camera rolling. The magazine’s signature question is “What do you love about movies?” and, no lie, one of our answers might be Little White Lies.
For more Little White Lies, or to subscribe, visit the