Tales from the trial room

A recruitment professional, Patrizia’s been visiting India for about ten years now and her love for this country is evident in every one of her answers.„I love coming to India because it reminds one of how the world can change for the positive, and how so much can be done in such a short time.„1. What’s your personal style?
Classic and simple.
2. What do you like about Nicobar?
I’ve been to the Bombay store and I love that the brand challenges me to look at things in a more modern and fun manner.
3. You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be?
In India, you call it Maharani Pink; it’s a fun colour and that’s what I’d be. Himani Singh
Part owner of natural skincare brand Ayca, Himani grew up amidst the tea plantations in Munnar and moved to Delhi in her early 20s. Channeling her love for all things natural (and that of her business partner Mallyeka) as well as her lifestyle growing up, Himani’s two year-old brand mirrors a lot of what Nicobar stands for.
1. What's your personal style like?
I like to keep it simple. I wear a lot of earthy colours and flowy cuts. I love designers who focus on sustainable fashion.
2. What would you never wear?
One word: SEQUINS.
3. What do you like about Nicobar?
Nicobar has a very clear brand image which they successfully weave into every product in their stores. The story of Nicobar is very relatable.
4. You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What colour would you be and why?
Olive Green -- I am obsessed with this colour at the moment.
5. What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?
"I wish I could roll down my windows." The pollution has gotten so bad!
6. What were you like in high school?
I played the bagpipe. Need I say more?
7. How would you convince someone to do something they didn’t want to do.
By bribing them with some Ayca products!
8. Any advice for your previous boss?
You should have given me that raise. Haha. Debjit Banerjee
A photographer by profession and a moonlighting rockstar, Debjit is the quintessentialanti-establishment guy who’s clearly happier out on the field and not behind a desk. Hit him up on Instagram for photography-led projects and be prepared for a generous dose of the giggles if you hang out.
1. What’s your personal style like?
Very monochrome. I hoard a lot of black and white t-shirts and mostly wear them everyday.
2. What would you never wear?
Turtle necks.
3. What do you like about Nicobar?
Minimalism, be it homeware or apparel.
4. You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?
Black, I am quite obsessed with all black everything.
5. We finish the interview and you step outside the office and find a lottery ticket that ends up winning Rs.10 crore. What would you do?
Buy the Washburn Dime Culprit. It's a limited edition guitar that Dimebag Darrell made. My favourite guitarist.
7. What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?
Usually when I'm alone in a car, I listen to music and imagine everything around me is a part of a music video.
8. What were you like in high school?
I used to wear dorky glasses and hated studying. The only nice part about school was that I was the lead guitarist in my school band. It was called Intense Revolution.
9. Teach us something we don’t know.
When you're high fiving someone, look at their elbow and you'll never miss.
10. What are you known for?
Bad puns. Naasha Mehta
Ex-design head at Nicobar, Naasha’s a cool cookie who often burns the midnight oil chipping away at website layouts, brand identity, and other bits that make up her days (erm, nights) as a graphic designer.
1. What's your personal style?
Mostly basics, extremely casual. No fuss, no muss.
2. What would you never wear?
A ballroom gown with frills. Frankly no one should.
3. What do you like about Nicobar?
It’s simple with just the right amount of detailing to give its products character.
4. You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?
Oo this is tough. I think all colours have its place in the right setting for the right mood. Being a graphic designer by profession, picking my favourite colour would feel like betraying all the others. If I had to I would most likely be a black because it’s made using all the colours.
5. We finish the interview and you step outside the office and find a lottery ticket that ends up winning Rs.10 crore. What would you do?
Cry? And then get a holiday of a lifetime. And then maybe invest the balance? Is that too boring?
6. What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?
I think about how I wish I had sharp spurs at the edge of my wheels, like in the movie Grease, so that I could ruin the cars of all the people who drive badly and give me my road rage. And when I’m not raging I’m usually thinking of nothing, clearing my head and bobbing to some music.
7. What were you like in high school?
Slightly hyper. Quite sporty. Secretly shy. Always Funny.
8. Teach us something we don’t know.
If you line up all the colours of the rainbow as little pies on a colour wheel, and spin it, the entire wheel will appear white. Look it up if you want to know why and nerd out about colours.
9. What are you known for?
Illustrating and designing things I guess. If I am known at all!
10. Who would win a fight between Superman and Batman? Why?
Batman! Because I love him. (But if I were to listen to logical reasoning it would be Superman, because he’s got Superpowers)
11. How would you convince someone to do something they didn’t want to do.
Oh I’m terrible at that sort of thing. If you don’t want to do it then don’t. I’d rather get somebody to do something when they want to. It’s never enjoyable forcing a situation or person.